

This method creates cache instance.


  1. adapter (Adapter): Adapter's instance, any combiatible with stash-it. See list of available adapters.


  1. If adapter is not an object, it will throw an error 'adapter' must be an object.
  2. If adapter does not contain all required methods, it will throw an error Not all required methods are present in adapter.
  3. If not all of the methods are functions, it will throw an error Not all required methods are functions.


(cacheInstance): Created cache instance.


import { createCache } from 'stash-it';
import createAdapter from 'any-stash-it-compatible-adapter'; // e.g. stash-it-adapter-memory

const adapter = createAdapter({ namespace: 'someNamespace' });
const cacheInstance = createCache(adapter);

registerPlugins(cacheInstance, plugins)

Registers plugins on cacheInstance.


  1. cacheInstance (cacheInstance): Cache instance created using createCache method.
  2. plugins (array): Array of plugins (one or many)


  1. If cacheInstance is not an object, it will throw an error 'cacheInstance' must be an object.
  2. If plugins are not passed as an array, it will throw an error 'plugins' must be passed as an array.
  3. If any of the plugins won't contain hook or getExtension method (at least one of them), it will throw an error Plugin must contain hooks or getExtensions method or both.


(cacheInstance): Cache instance with extended functionality.


import { createCache, registerPlugins } from 'stash-it';
import createAdapter from 'any-stash-it-compatible-adapter'; // e.g. stash-it-adapter-memory
import createPlugin from 'any-stash-it-compatible-plugin'; // e.g. stash-it-plugin-debug
import createOtherPlugin from 'other-stash-it-compatible-plugin';

const adapter = createAdapter({ namespace: 'someNamespace' });
const cache = createCache(adapter);
const plugin = createPlugin();

const extendedCache1 = registerPlugins(cache, [ plugin ]);

// You can further register more plugins
const otherPlugin = createOtherPlugin();

const extendedCache2 = registerPlugins(extendedCache1, [ otherPlugin ]);

// Now, all cache instances will behave differently
// (assuming that plugins added / changed some of the functionality)
// but they will still use the same storage (via adapter).
How can I use different cache instances, ones that have different plugins registered, but having the same adapter underneath?

Let's imagine, that you have a read-only plugin that changes the behavior of setItem and removeItem in such way, that user can't set new items (also change existing ones) nor delete them.

// assuming that imports are there
const cache = createCache(createAdapter({ namespace: 'someNamespace' });
const readOnlyPlugin = createReadOnlyPlugin();
const readOnlyCache = registerPlugins(cache, [ readOnlyPlugin ]);

// setting an item in one place
cache.setItem('key', 'value');

// reading an item in other place
readOnlyCache.hasItem('key'); // true
readOnlyCache.getItem('key'); // returns an Item

// trying to set an item, any
readOnlyCache.setItem('key', 'value2'); // false or throw or however this plugin would behave

// trying to remove this item
readOnlyCache.removeItem('key'); // false or throw or however this plugin would behave

// whereas original cache instance
cache.removeItem('key'); // true

(see: Item)

By combining different plugins you can create any behavior of cache's instance. It all depends on the combination of plugins you use.

There is one thing you have to remember:

Order of registering plugins matter. If you register plugins 1, 2 and 3, and they alter somehow given method, data will flow first through plugin 1, then 2 and finally 3 while using that method.

Be sure to check out plugins and lifecycle of methods for more detailed information.

createItem(key, value, namespace, [extra])

Creates an item.


  1. key (string): key, under which given item will be stored. See buildKey (Adapter API)
  2. value (any): value that is to be stored. See values.
  3. namespace (string): namespace. See namespaces.
  4. extra (object): extra data, optional. Will default to empty object if not passed {}. See Item for more info.


  1. If extra is not passed as an object, it will throw an error 'extra' must be an object.


(Item): Created item.


import { createItem } from 'stash-it';

const item = createItem('key', 'value', 'namespace');

// OR

const itemWithPassedExtra = createItem('key', 'value', 'namespace', { some: 'additional stuff' });
Why namespace is required as an argument?

Before answering this, you need to know something important: createItem is best used in adapters. Why there? It's about all adapters having the same way of storing an item in any storage they use. Why? So that once extracted they have the very same structure.

Now, namespace. As you already know, namespace is required by design by all adapters, so you always have it at that point. In order to store an information what namespace an item belongs to, namespace is explicitly stored in an item as a separate property. And for that this argument is required for this method. And yes, when creating a key, namespace can be used as well, but that is not required by design, thus the need of having separate property.

getPreData(methodName, args)

This method returns pre (in terms of lifecycle of given method) data which is passed through all of the hooks registered for that particular method.


  1. methodName (string): method name, any one of which API adapter provides (e.g. getItem) or one provided by plugin(s).
  2. args (object): object with arguments that will be passed through all of the hooks registered for methodName for it's pre lifecycle part.


  1. If methodName is not passed as a string, it will throw an error 'methodName' must be a string.
  2. If args is not passed as an object, it will throw an error 'args' must be an object.
  3. If args donesn't contain cacheInstance property (which is a reference to cacheInstance), it will throw an error 'args' must contain 'cacheInstance' property.


(object): An object, that was passed through all (if any) registered hooks for given methodName. Returned object will (should, see requirements) contain the very same properties as ones passed in args object. Values might change. cacheInstance should be exactly the same reference to cacheInstance (but it eventually depends on the plugins registered).


import { getPreData } from 'stash-it';

// this will be used mostly, if not only, in plugins hooks

// key and cacheInstance are passed hereby convention
// different arguments will be passed for different methods getPreData is going to be run against
const preData = getPreData('getItem', { key, cacheInstance });

// preData will contain both 'key' and 'cacheInstance' properties

(see: writing plugins)

getPostData(methodName, args)

This method returns post (in terms of lifecycle of given method) data which is passed through all of the hooks registered for that particular method.


  1. methodName (string): method name, any one of the API adapter provides (e.g. getItem) or one provided by plugin(s).
  2. args (object): object with arguments that will be passed through all of the hooks registered for methodName for it's post lifecycle part.


  1. If methodName is not passed as a string, it will throw an error 'methodName' must be a string.
  2. If args is not passed as an object, it will throw an error 'args' must be an object.
  3. If args doesn't contain cacheInstance property (which is a reference to cacheInstance), it will throw an error 'args' must contain 'cacheInstance' property.


(object): An object, that was passed through all (if any) registered hooks for given methodName. Returned object will (should, see requirements) contain the very same properties as ones passed in args object. Values might change. cacheInstance should be exactly the same reference to cacheInstance (but it eventually depends on the plugins registered).


import { getPostData } from 'stash-it';

// this will be used mostly, if not only, in plugins hooks

// key, item and cacheInstance are passed hereby convention
// different arguments will be passed for different methods getPostData is going to be run against
const postData = getPostData('getItem', { key, item, cacheInstance });

// postData will contain 'key', 'item' and 'cacheInstance' properties

(see: writing plugins)

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