Available adapters

  1. memory adapter
  2. client storage adapter

memory adapter

GitHub: https://github.com/smolak/stash-it-adapter-memory
Docs: https://github.com/smolak/stash-it-adapter-memory/blob/master/README.md


import createMemoryAdapter from 'stash-it-adapter-memory';

const adapter = createMemoryAdapter({ namespace: 'someNamespace' });

Memory adapter uses memory as a storage (whether it's browser or node).

client storage adapter

GitHub: https://github.com/smolak/stash-it-adapter-clientStorage
Docs: https://github.com/smolak/stash-it-adapter-clientStorage/blob/master/README.md


import createClientStorageAdapter from 'stash-it-adapter-clientstorage';

const adapter = createClientStorageAdapter({ namespace: 'someNamespace', storage: window.localStorage });

Client storage adapter uses either localStorage or sessionStorage.

More to come...

"I have created adapter of my own, how can I list it here?"

If you did, let me know. I will have a look and if it’s fine, it will appear on the list.

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